Want to be a member?

Since this is a new group, we have openings for ALL voices. We will limit the membership depending on who auditions, but will not go beyond 20 members. It may take awhile to get the group off the ground and running in a normal fashion, so we ask for your patience in this process. If you are interested in being a member, we do have a few requirements:

We will require a small amount of dues to pay for operating costs, approx 30-50$ twice a year.
We ask that you email the following information to our artistic director, after that you will hear from us and perhaps set up an audition:



Phone #/ Email

Voice Part

Day Job

Current musical groups of which you are a member and rehearsal times

Experience singing a cappella

Musical Experience in general

Special talents you can bring to the group (rehearsal space, equipment, arranging skills, piano skills, etc)

Short explantion of why you want to be in the group: